For a small island, St. John offers much opportunity for eager people looking to start a business. While dreams of owning a B&B, bar, or boat in paradise may be commonplace, those who think outside the box and take a deep gander at island needs that are not being met, are surprisingly rare. More often than not, those business ideas seem obvious in hindsight, so why did it take so long for someone to do it and/or do it well?
Perhaps it’s the limin’ nature of the islands, or maybe even the rum, but whatever the reason, many great ideas still await. One that’s been taken, and done oh-so-well, is Island Baby, an all-things-baby concierge on St. John, catering to the island visitors with little ones. The need seems obvious in hindsight, but for years, villa management companies would manage the requests the best they could, or parents just (ugh) brought their own caretaker. Today a family with tots can travel with just carry-on luggage if they give Island Baby a ring.
The booming business, started by a local St. Johnian several years ago, was recently purchased by a local St. Johnian, who will no doubt, carry it on for many successful years. What other bright business ideas have you seen on St. John?