Many people assume that if you live on St. John you spend days leisurely drinking bushwackers on the beach. While it’s true that a bushwacker may be within easy reach at a moment’s notice, life on St. John is actually more mundane. We work. We shop for food. We get gas. Our cars break down. We complain about property taxes. We pick-up our mail. We make dinner. We go out to eat if we’re lucky.
I don’t know anyone who spends their day drinking, actually… I’m sure they’re out there, but not lasting very long. St. John is far more enjoyable if you can see straight. Plus, you don’t need a full beach day to experience the beauty of St. John. We drive North Shore road on our way to get gas. We stop at Maho Bay beach for a dip on the way to dinner. We sit on picnic tables for lunch at Salt Pond Bay. We meet friends at Annaberg ruins for a morning walk. It’s all right here, every day.