When I first moved to St. John I didn’thave a car yet, so I was a frequent passenger of the open air taxi cabs that travel up and down the famous North Shore road carting eager beachgoers. I sat stuffed-in with wide-eyed day trippers who strained for a glimpse of the bright blue water and were grateful for every photo op stop.
On these rides, cab drivers often point out and describe various points of interest, despite their native dialect being far from familiar to fresh ears. Most of what comes over the scratchy speakers is unfortunately indiscernible, but there was one cabbie would belt out with clarity as we approached the overlook at Caneel Bay resort: “Celebrities! Rock Stars! Famous People! They all stay here.”
He’s right. I’ve seen a fair number around island and most of them do stay at Caneel. Most thankfully come and go under the radar, although a few do bring their bullhorns. It’s not surprising that St. John attracts the rich and famous. This little island has been the backdrop for episodes of House Hunters, Sports Illustrated photo shoots, spontaneous performances by Kenny Chesney and Stevie Wonder, and more. While this all sounds very hollywood and exciting, the famous, and their glitter, are fleeting. The flurry of flashbulbs fade fairly quickly, always replaced by the serene sounds and silence that give St. John it’s real star power.