St. John’s multitude of cays and bays offer divers the opportunity to hit the deep by launching straight from shore. Kiddel Bay, for example, an unmarked area whose access is just after Salt Pond, is a peaceful round rock beach with easy parking (once you make it down the steep, rocky road) and just feet from shore.
Why rent an expensive boat when just fifty yards out to the west is a drop-off divers of all skill levels can appreciate! Kiddel Bay is the perfect place to go if your group includes a mix of divers, snorkelers, swimmers, and sunbathers. Hang out on shore and enjoy the pelicans, snorkel the shoreline around the bay for colorful sea life, grab a floatie or a noodle and relax on the water, or suit up and go deep in just a few feet.
Dive shops and some independent dive instructors on island will rent tanks and other equipment by the day or week. For more information on the beaches along the south shore of St. John go to Beaches, and more on diving St. John, check out Scuba Diving.